
пятница, 17 июня 2011 г.

Is Erectile Dysfunction a problem for you

Erectile Dysfunction is a very common sexual disorder and can affect anyone at any stage of their lives.

The definition of erectile dysfunction is either not being able to gain a full erection, i.e. not strong enough, or finding it hard to maintain a full erection during sexual activity.If you are not happy with the strength or quality of your erection and it is affecting you, your partner or your relationship then you should not delay in take steps.
problem for you
Remember that it is only you that can know if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, as the problem is relative to your experience. Even if you have had difficulty once or twice these are tell tale signs you should not ignore. In our experience Erectile Dysfunction is a problem that gets worse with time, from occurring once or twice to gradually becoming more frequent and a regular problem that results in a complete lack of sexual function.
There are two types of erectile dysfunction categorised as primary and secondary ED:

  • Primary ED- If you have never been happy with your ability to get and keep an erection when participating in sexual activity.
  • Secondary ED- If you have developed difficulties over time and the symptoms are gradually becoming more severe.
Whether you are showing signs of primary or secondary ED you should start therapy now, seeking treatment will not only renew your sexual performance and confidence but could have very positive and life-changing results. Either way the problem can be easily and effectively treated.
Just ask yourself whether you are happy with your ability to gain an erection and then maintain it for long enough to satisfy yourself or your partner. This is a very personal question that only you can answer.

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